Effective April 1st, 2019, all new applications for ethical review to the UBC Clinical Research Ethics Board, the Providence Health Care Research Ethics Board or the Children & Women’s Research Ethics Board will be charged an increased initial ethical review fee of $3,500.00 and subsequent annual renewals will be charged a fee of $750.00. Studies submitted to the BC Cancer REB will continue to be charged $4,000 for initial applications and $750.00 for annual renewals. All privately sponsored studies submitted prior to April 1st, 2019 will continue to be charged the current ethical review fees of $3,000 for initial approval and $500.00 for annual renewals.
These fees reflect the increasing complexity of REB applications, which require additional REB time and resources for conducting initial and continuing reviews, including continuous monitoring and oversight of active studies. All revenues generated as a result of these charges will be retained in their entirety by the institution that is responsible for financially resourcing the board providing the review and oversight.
Certificates of Approval will not be released until the fee has been received by the research ethics board.
If you have any questions or concerns respecting this notice, or any suggestions for improving ethical reviews at UBC, please contact the Director of Research Ethics | laurel.evans@ors.ubc.ca | 604-827-5113.