Are you conducting health-related research and want to recruit BC residents?
REACH BC is an online provincial platform that connects British Columbians with health research opportunities.
How does it work? Researchers submit their project details for review by REACH BC. REACH BC will provide the research team with the related documents required for the initial ethics application or amendment. Once ethics approval is confirmed, the project will be posted on the REACH BC platform. Volunteers (participants) who match the research criteria will be notified of the research opportunity. When they have expressed interest in a specific research opportunity, the researcher will be able to contact them.
Who can use REACH BC? Researchers must be appointed or employed by a health authority or public post-secondary institution in BC. Graduate students with a principal investigator who meets the researcher criteria may also qualify.
What kind of Research is eligible? Research that involves a health or wellness focus, including both clinical and behavioural research.*
To learn more and to register as a researcher, go to:
The REACH BC platform completed a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA #2019-121) with Vancouver Coastal Health and the Health Information Privacy Security Operation Committee (HIPSOC). The Security Risk Threat Assessment (SA 20190918-1) was conducted by University of British Columbia – Advanced Research Computing and IMITS. For more information, email
REACH BC is funded by the BC SUPPORT Unit (through CIHR and Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research).
* Behavioural research topics that would qualify include psychological or life impacts of diagnosis and therapy; diet and nutrition; general health and wellness, mental health and behaviour (e.g. anxiety, depression, mood disorders), substance use, elder health care.