Content: Announcement List
Joint certificate launched for harmonized ethics applications
A joint certificate of approval has been launched in RISe for ethics applications that are harmonized under the BC Ethics Harmonization Initiative. Partners in the harmonization initiative are: Fraser Health, Interior Health, Island Health, Northern Health, Simon Fraser University, the University of Northern BC, University of Victoria and all UBC-affiliated REBs.
New certificates will now display each of the reviewing REBs and will show which REB acted as the Board of Record.
…Hot Topics on Informed Consent - UBC REB Annual Retreat
The UBC REBs gathered on October 21, 2015 for their annual ethics retreat. They were joined by the SFU REB as well.
The morning opened with an update from Susan Zimmerman of the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research (SRCR):
Current Issues & Initiatives-SRCR – Susan ZimmermanThe main focus of the retreat was on new and emerging…
What's New with the BREB
See the following newsletter for the lastest from the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB). It includes application tips and reminders for student and faculty: What's New with the BREB.
CREB Peer - Scientific Review Requirement
The UBC Clinical Research Ethics Board (CREB) would like to announce the implementation of a peer review pilot project which will run from July 1, 2015 to January 2016.
The aim of this pilot project is to implement a mandatory arm's length peer review for all protocols which have not been reviewed by an independent review panel. This initiative is designed to support the UBC CREB Guidance notes article…
BC Harmonization Initiative Launches Above MR Model
The BC Ethics Initiative is pleased to move forward with the pilot implementation and evaluation of the harmonized ethics review model for Above Minimal Risk studies in June 2015. This represents a major milestone for the initiative in achieving efficient, coordinated, and high-quality processes that support and encourage multi-jurisdictional human health research.
Documents that will inform and assist you with new harmonized processes during the pilot phase can be accessed from the…